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100 Make


I took my first (and only) sewing class a little over a year ago (Jan 2022) and began creating out of discarded items in my environment. The absence of formal schooling has been my super power in this regard.


I spent that first year challenging myself to make 1 piece each week for a year in order to understand the bounds of my creativity. This was my 52-Week Challenge. This year I have given myself a new challenge: upcycling 100 pieces in a year - for both myself and others - as doing something more difficult and more generous is the only way forward.

Below are a few of these creations, however you can check out my entire body of work on my gallery below (or scroll through images for more) and you can read the stories behind each piece (as detailed in my instagram captions) here.

YEAR 1: 


In January 2022, I took my first and only sewing class. I then embarked on the challenge of testing my skills by creating one item of clothing every week for a year. My makes have ranged from using bedskirts to bathing suits in order to create something new, beautiful, functional and wearable. 

Below are a few of these creations, however you can check out my entire body of work and the stories behind each piece here.


[ details coming soon ]

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